The thing that makes my heart sing and beat faster are portraits that I connect with; pictures that make me want to look beyond a second and then some more; photographs that have an emotional resonance and that have soul and tell you something about the individual, and sometimes encourage you to question and ask why?
It is a compulsion of mine to go beyond the surface, to scratch the veneer, and see what is underneath. I am curious, I love people, and I see beauty every where, particularly in unexpected places.
Beauty to me, isn’t made up or artificial it is something that is contained within our complicated souls, especially our complicated ones, even though with simplicity it is easy to see.
I run mentoring sessions and training workshops on Compelling and considered portraiture. I coined the term ‘considered portraiture’ because I felt it described my process and end result. Not a snapshot or a luck shot, but a way of shooting that is slow and thoughtful, and that allows the subject and photographer to connect and to breath.
In my considered portraiture workshops I do not give one simple list of directions to achieve that one fine art shot, though I could if you asked, but you know what? I truly want people to come away with a shift in their way of thinking and seeing of the world; to open their eyes to different things, to look at art and history and people and everything. It needs to become a life long habit, and that together with this, and a slowing right down of process and a building a connection with your subject you will achieve amazing portraits, and not just a one off. It takes time, and most of all it takes the building up of a body of work; It takes ideas, and never fearing failure, personal projects that you feel passionate about, that aren’t aimed to make money, but instead encourage one to explore the world through photography, and make real connections with people. This will eventually start to seep into the style of your commissioned work, and then it will start to make sense.
It is a magical and liberating process, that may or may not make sense at first – but I promise you it works, and it is exciting.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this, or send me a message if you want to find out more.
Carolyn xx
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Where to begin!!! The workshop has given me so much to think about and I feel like all of my excuses for not being the photographer I want to be and can be have evaporated- I thank fate for our paths crossing and am incredibly lucky to have had your gentle nudge to move forwards x
Lel, I am so so looking foward to your journey. Hand holding all the way x
such a perfect post for your compelling portraiture. stunning images that have connection and make you stop and pause to take them in. Jo x
Jo, thanks so much for the comment. Really loving your projects x
Such beautiful pictures- I love looking at these. And I’m so looking forward to having my own picture by Carolyn one day!
Boo! We have to put a date in the diary. Come and stay for a few days x
I wholeheartedly agree! Nothing better than soulful images in my opinion. I love your work xox
H. I am a photographer from the US. I saw your work on Twitter. Your projects are wonderful and your photography is evocative and provocative. I am inspired by your ability to connect and feel, it’s very apparent in your work. Looking at your portraits has inspired me to open my photography and maybe start a project.
Keep on being you, I’m a fan now
Awww Cinde, thank you so much. I hope you do do your project! Good luck, and looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
For anyone wobbling about taking Carolyn’s Compelling Portraiture Workshop, I recommend it wholeheartedly. It was a remarkable experience the moved my photographic art forward by leaps and bounds.
And, Carolyn is a kind and considered mentor as well. Our little Skype visits were the perfect complement to the workshop. You can consider her workshop the “cake” and her mentor program the “icing”. After working with her, your images will sing with soul.
Thank you so much for your amazing comment Rebecca – it has been a real joy working with you xxx
Hi Carolyn, Do you have any future workshops planned? If so, please could you let me have details? Many thanks, Bill
Hi Bill, lovely to hear from me. As soon as I have them planned I will place a notice on my facebook page, I also offer one to one tailored mentoring too. The information is under (information) – Mentoring. Thanks so much x