Imagine the scene…
50 years have passed, and your grandchildren go into the attic.
It is dark,
It is cold,
A little damp too.
They really don’t know what they are going to find.
It is dark in your attic.
They find a box – a cardboard box
Almost transparent in places like lace.
They can feel the excitement growing.
There may be magic within.
They pull this breaking up box out of the attic
They look at each other intently.
There will be magic in this box
Gran and Grampa magic. Maybe even treasure.
They put their hands inside.
Then pull out old faded paper they can’t read.
They pull out scraps of damp material.
Then they see something shiny.
It is round, and flat. Disc shaped.
They get the shape out of the box.
Turn it around.
They see writing faded , but they cannot make it out.
So they play with these discs for a while, They throw them and catch them,
Feeling a little disappointed for the magic was in their heads.
They soon get bored of the discs and go outside to play.
Another house, another day..
Read on,
Imagine the scene
50 years have passed, and your great grandchildren go into the attic.
It is dark
It is cold
A little damp too
They really don’t know what they are going to find.
It is dark in your attic
They find a box – a wooden box.
With heavy lid – they touch the lid and feel an engraving etched upon it.
This has gravitas and weight,
You can feel the excitement growing.
A palpable moment, a real feeling that
there may be magic within
They carefully carry the wooden box out of the attic
and down the steps.
They look at each other intently.
There will be magic in this box
Great Gran and Grampa magic. Maybe even treasure.
They carefully lift the lid up.
Engraved upon it is a tree and their grandparents name.
Feeling more exciting with their hearts pounding
They put their hands in.
Carefully wrapped up in lace and old leather is a parcel.
Again they look at each other, and open it up very carefully for this is surely treasure,
Once opened looking back at them they see the faces of their gran and gramps.
Young and happy. Dressed up and dancing.
This is magic.
They find pictures of babies, and notes that they read
A love story, a life story
A great wonderful story contained in this beautiful wooden box.
They sit and look and explore the contents.
As if they have been privy to another times life or another life time.
Beautiful, special and real.
Their family story.
They have found something special.
Kept forever, preserved so carefully
A thing of beauty that they will always treasure.
As night falls they get ready for bed, but before hand they find some paper, and an old pen.
They write on it together – helping each other.
For this isn’t something they are used to doing.
On the paper they write.
“Today we saw history and magic and it was so special. We will keep and treasure this box of love . We promise . Cross our hearts.
We promise”
They fold up the paper and lift the lid off the box carefully, and place it within,
Then put the lid back and go to sleep.
SO happy, and still very excited.
Good thoughts.
I often wonder who will ever see my pictures again now that they are all stored on discs and drives.
I WILL get a decent printer this year.
I WILL organise my archives.
Thanks so much for your response David.
I think I would need years to go organise my archives too. My parents have hundreds of Albums of photographs (pre – digital). I love looking through them and hope that I leave my children as many images to see, touch and smell and handle.
This year – I will get my organised !