Poppy01Sep14©small 2014 Carolyn Mendelsohn copy
This weekend I opened my brand new, carefully curated (in three action packed days) gallery/studio/office space. It is bijou and beautiful. Last week it was an idea and this week it is reality! So very exciting.
So why did I decide to take this step?
Because the following things are happening:

  • My work and home life blur
  • The children see me bent over a laptop more than they see me running about and having fun with them, and being in the moment
  • I find myself working until three in the morning because during the day the domestic distractions and jobs interfere with my productivity.
  • Domestic clutter does not help when I need space to truly be creative.

    And also because it is about time!
    I am excited to have a space that is mine, that represents and shows my work in the best way. I will review how it makes a difference to my working (and personal ) life in the next month or so. Will I be holding undistracted conversations at home? Will I be able to maintain the clutter free space in my gallery? I will try, and today it all feels very positive.

  • Do come and visit if you are an in the area.

    Carolyn Mendelsohn Bespoke Photography
    (@) The Butterfly Rooms
    73 Bingley Road
    West Yorkshire
    BD18 4SBps.

    ps. SO many thanks to Sharon, Mena, Janice, Suzy, Haldi and Laura x

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